Save the Wood Creek Forest

Thank you note to the community

Thank you to everyone who joined our community zoom meeting and contacted us about getting involved! We need volunteers to help with outreach, media production, and in the future, fundraising.

We look forward to working with you to save Wood Creek.

If you weren't able to attend, but would like to volunteer to support the effort, please email or call (346) 298-2080.

You can find information about our bi-weekly Zoom meetings on our website, Facebook, and Nextdoor. Please subscribe to the website so you don't miss an update. We welcome your participation!

This entry was posted on October 31, 2020 at 12:55 AM and has received 704 views.


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Reminder: Public Save Wood Creek meeting tonight at 6:30 PM

We are having a public community Save Wood Creek meeting tonight at 6 PM

If you are having any issues with connectivity, or can't attend but would like to volunteer, please email or call (346) 298-2080

Join us on Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 897 8759 1681
Passcode: 414553

Summary Agenda:

  1. Introductions of the Stewards of Wood Creek Everett (SWCE) Committee
  2. Public Introductions
  3. Recent developments
  4. Enlist public suggestions and feedback about out communication methods
  5. Questions and Answers
  6. Ask for volunteers

This entry was posted on October 21, 2020 at 3:48 PM and has received 587 views.


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Save Wood Creek Information and Volunteer Drive

Save Wood Creek!

Information & Volunteer Drive

Do you have skills to offer? Get involved in the effort to save Wood Creek!

Join the Stewards of Wood Creek Everett for a Zoom meeting to get updated on the latest Wood Creek news and find out how you can be involved!

Wednesday October 21 6 P.M.
Zoom Meeting ID: 897 8759 1681
Passcode: 414553

If you can't attend but would like to volunteer, please email or call (346) 298-2080

This entry was posted on October 14, 2020 at 11:57 PM and has received 700 views.


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Stewards of Wood Creek Everett Mission

To protect and preserve the Wood Creek forest for future generations through conservation and stewardship.

Footer Logo The City of Everett has proposed the sale of about 92.5 acres of undeveloped green belt property. Wood Creek lies in the valley between the Valley View and Eastmont neighborhoods. Wood Creek was the main source of drinking water for the city of Everett between 1898 and 1916, until the Sultan River water project was completed. The land and the creek is a critical habitat for a variety of animals and wildlife. Additionally, the land is unstable and many parts of the land are critically sloped. This group is for anyone opposing this proposal and for trying to preserve this critical land.

Everett's Original Watersource: Main Wood Creek Reservoir in June of 1909.

Everett's Original Watersource

Galaxie Blog Version 1.50 November 22 2019 © Gregory Alexander