Save the Wood Creek Forest

Reasons to oppose the sale

  • During the Covid stay at home order, we are denied meaningful, face-to-face discourse
  • City's stated committment to protect urban forest
  • Environmentally protected area already suffering from landslides
  • Sink Holes in Wood Creek have already destroyed neighbors homes
  • Removal of forest will increase landslide risk
  • Critical wildlife habitat & public green space should be protected and preserved
  • Wood Creek is the main source of water for Everett's Marshland Tidal Wetland Restoration Project
  • Preserving the riparian forest will improve water quality
  • Keeping the Wood Creek forested corridor intact will improve wild life
  • The city has not taken any serious study of existing landslide risks
  • Wood Creek is an important historical landmark- it was Everett's original water source
  • Access to Valley View is already challenged with one bridge

This entry was posted on June 3, 2020 at 12:59 AM and has received 797 views.


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High water saturation on banks where clear cut's occurred

Upon close inspection of both sides of the Wood Creek banks, the most saturated banks in the watershed are right underneath the power lines. The utility company cut the trees on both sides of the bank to allow the wires to cross without impediment from the trees.

The water saturation underneath the power lines is significant up to 200 feet above the valley floor. There is faulting on the northern bank (Valley View), and also several benches with sag ponds filled with sand beneath the wires1.

On the Eastmont side of the bank, two years ago, we lost an entire hill where one of the original Eastmont trails was built to access the creek2. This trail was the favored access point for the Geologist's doing studies down there.

It seems reasonable to conclude that the lack of the forested canopy on both sides of the bank have caused increased water runoff and saturation of the soils here.

Typically, there is much less saturation and erosion of the rest of the watershed as you climb above the valley floor.

1 Oddly enough, the highest sag pond on the northern bank underneath the wires has bamboo growing in it.
2 The original trail to the creek that was built near the old Apple daycare facility.

This entry was posted on June 2, 2020 at 1:31 AM and has received 401 views.


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Several Valley View Homes fell down the Wood Creek Ravine

Three houses in the Valley View neighborhood were red-tagged by the city of Everett. One of these three houses slid down the bank, and the others are deemed to be unsafe. The culprit was excess water known as 'Armaggeddon Creek'. The water is racing down the sandy loam soils of the bank, which has up to 40% slope causing landslides.

Here is the excerpt from Kiro7:

"Neighbors in an Everett neighborhood nicknamed "Armageddon Creek" by the people who live there because houses are slipping down a hillside said the city is to blame for the shifting ground.

The shifting hillside is near Panaview Boulevard and Burl Place in Everett.

The stairs on the side of one home that has nearly slipped off a steep hill used to lead to the front door, but now appear to be going nowhere.

Three houses have been red tagged by the city, meaning it is unsafe to occupy the homes. But neighbors claim 10 more houses in the area are in danger.

Video from Chopper 7 showed how the ground is moving and deep cracks opening in the yards and foundations of homes."

See Neighbors blame city for homes sliding off cliff

More news sources concerning 'Armeggeddon Creek'

This entry was posted on May 31, 2020 at 10:18 PM and has received 426 views.


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Wood Creek Sinkholes have damaged homes and property

This is a picture of a sinkhole from one of my neighbor's yards. There were a total of 5 sinkholes in these two yards!

The sink-hole was at least 50 feet deep, and it swallowed entire trees, including a classic mustang.

The Valley View side of the bank has more sinkholes than the Eastmont side. I can take some pictures of the existing sink-hole if you think that it may be useful. Here are the relevant past articles found in the news:

This entry was posted on May 30, 2020 at 5:53 PM and has received 416 views.


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Stewards of Wood Creek Everett Mission

To protect and preserve the Wood Creek forest for future generations through conservation and stewardship.

Footer Logo The City of Everett has proposed the sale of about 92.5 acres of undeveloped green belt property. Wood Creek lies in the valley between the Valley View and Eastmont neighborhoods. Wood Creek was the main source of drinking water for the city of Everett between 1898 and 1916, until the Sultan River water project was completed. The land and the creek is a critical habitat for a variety of animals and wildlife. Additionally, the land is unstable and many parts of the land are critically sloped. This group is for anyone opposing this proposal and for trying to preserve this critical land.

Everett's Original Watersource: Main Wood Creek Reservoir in June of 1909.

Everett's Original Watersource

Galaxie Blog Version 1.50 November 22 2019 © Gregory Alexander